To Those Who Love Japan from Abroad


Thank you for your appreciation of Japanese culture, traditions, and the unique beauty of our country. Whether you are drawn to Japan’s rich history, its traditional arts, or its modern innovations, your interest and passion truly inspire us.

Japan has a long legacy of art, philosophy, and craftsmanship that we are proud to share with the world. From the serene landscapes of our countryside to the bustling cities filled with technological wonders, Japan offers something special to everyone.

The true magnificence of Japan lies in understanding its history, which offers the most profound experiences. This blog explores Japan’s journey from its pre-war era to today, delving into the challenges and solutions that reveal Japan’s true essence. My writing may come across as candid and forthright, but I invite you to listen closely and thoughtfully. This blog aims to present a genuine perspective on Japan.

As we continue to celebrate and preserve our culture, we welcome you to join us on this journey. Let us together explore the beauty of Japan, bridging cultures, and fostering a deeper understanding of what makes Japan so unique.

I have always been a regular watcher of Japanese politics and history. In this blog, I will introduce essays by scholars and other people I had never heard of before, and I will also post my thoughts and opinions. If you are interested in monitoring politics with me, please stop by this blog.


▶ Looking back on the relationship between Japan and the U.S., Japan has been heavily influenced by U.S.-led policies for 78 years since the end of World War II. In particular, the current situation is that the U.S. continues to provide a large amount of funds to the Japan-U.S. Joint Committee with the Democratic Party of Japan. Many Japanese have doubts about the use of the Japanese people’s blood money for this U.S. purpose. It is understandable that the U.S. is taking a leadership role internationally, but should it be at the expense of Japan?
Post-war Japan has come under such strong U.S. influence that some say “Japan has been reduced to a U.S. colony. Considering how much of a loss this has been for Japan, we need to take a stab at the current situation. I therefore feel the need to find a way for Japan to become economically and spiritually independent and strong.
What we seek is “Japan First,” that is, to put the interests of the Japanese people first and to protect Japan’s future. However, we cannot protect Japan if we continue to do so. True independence will be difficult as long as it continues to depend on the United States. In the current political structure of Japan, I feel that the LDP is acting as a “watchdog” for the U.S. To change this, let us all take an interest in politics and take correct voting actions.
Now is the time for us to do so in order to make Japan prosperous and strong. Together with all of you, I would like to think about the future of this country and take a step forward to build a better Japan.


I declare here that I am writing this blog with the sole intention of protecting the good Japan. I am not a militarist by any means.
On the other hand, I am skeptical of the propaganda media controlled by the Establishment that rules the world. I sincerely hope that the wisdom of the world will become a reader of this blog and give me their opinions.


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